I am so freaking tired today. Why? Because the bitch I slept with last night kept me up. And by bitch I mean the lab/pitbull mix named Sadie who lives at my mom's house.
Nothing quite like an hour and a half commute with 40 miles spent behind a pickup with Truck Nutz.
The mold on the splashguard might be an indication that I need to wash my Nalgeen on a more regular basis.
The adhesive strips I remove from UPS envelopes remind me of those from feminine hygiene products which is why after a busy shipping day my cubicle looks like a girls dorm bathroom two months into the semester after everyone's cycles have synced up.
The perfect accessory to a pair of lichen colored cords is a giant latte stain. I never would have considered this look had the person at Starbucks not properly snapped the lid on my iced latte. Thank you random coffee jockey for making my ensemble that much more interesting.
~ The Office Scribe
Sunburns, hang ups, and paper mouths
6 years ago
lmbo such random thought syou have there... I hate the truck nuts too i think they are disgusting and definitely not somethign I think needs to be in full view of children as they travel. Wonder would that be considered porn and since they are clearly visible couls someone technically be charged with promoting child pornography or sexual deviance with a minor simply by having those things on their trucks in public..
Must be nice to have a Starbucks.
And yeah, I'm 27.
If I leave my apartment and head north, i can be at a Starbucks in 4 minutes,
If I leave my apartment and head south, I can be at a Starbucks in 4 minutes.
The thing that sucks is only one of them has a drive through....
And what Trav, no comment on Truck Nuts? So sad.
Angel, I actually think some states are outlawing them. The worst ones about these: The matched the truck, which was dark green.
Life wouldn't be so grand without Starbuck's.
Geez, this sounds like a typical Monday.
By that I mean, sucks ass.
When I go to Starbuck drivethrough I know I am gonna get it on me at some point. I have now just accepted this sad fact. Ahh Mondays... they blow
Ummm...ewwwwwwww! Truck Nutz just cause me to believe they are WAY over compensating....
What a Craptastic Monday....hope your Tuesday is a bit...ummm...smoother?
Men with truck nutz like having a pair of balls hanging behind them.
I have divorced starbucks after an affair with a Kuerig single cup coffee maker. I now have one at home and one in on my desk. I buy my own K-cups. My coworkers are jealous but unable to break their free-crappy-coffee habit.
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