Let it be known - I am not a morning person. Never have been, never will be. My parents were both early risers. Me, I'm a night owl. But since my office doesn't have a third shift, I have to get up in the morning, earlier than I would like, to make it to the office on time.
This morning started out like any other. My alarm went off, and after hitting the snooze 4 or 5 times, I knew I had to get up. So I opened my blinds to see that it was like outside (because I don't trust weathermen) and it was sunny. I go about getting ready for work, splash some water on my face, brush the teeth, try and find socks that match.
About 20 minutes later I walk past my blinds again, stop, back up, and look out into what I can only assume to be the sky at 8 o'clock PM. It was so dark outside that the lights in front of my building has come back on.
Had I fallen asleep? Did I pull a Rip Van Winkle and end up sleeping away time after a good game on 9 pins*?
Nope. As it turns out, there was a major front moving through which ended up dumping some rain on us, just as I left the apartment for work.
Maybe I should start listening to the weather report in the morning...
~ The Office Scribe
* I would act all superior about the literary reference I just dropped on y'all, but I like you guys, so I have to be honest. The only reason I knew about the 9 pins thing in Rip Van Winkle was from an episode of "Wishbone". God, whatever happened to that wise, book-reading Jack Russel?
Sunburns, hang ups, and paper mouths
6 years ago
1 comment:
I love this post, I'm not an early morning riser either...however this morning I tried to make my day start with "commercial worthy" tea in a flowered cup as I gazed out the window to watch the sun rise over the wheat scented dewy day...
WHATEVER...STILL got to work 15 minutes late!
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