Missing - One electronic key card which allows me to get into my office suite. Last seen in my back pocket at the holiday party on Friday.
Possible locations include:
- Somewhere in the chaos that is my cubicle
- At the bar where we went after the party
- Still in the jeans I wore Friday
- My car
- My mom's house
- The inside of my rottweiler
- The wallet of someone who really wants to get into the office
- A local hospital
- One of the various purses I didn't carry in the past 4 days, but where stuff still seems to end up
- Narnia
I really hope it's in one of the above locations because I don't want to have to shell out $10 for a new one and suffer the looks of the people in HR, as this is the second one I have lost.
Reward - None. If I was willing to pay money, I would just get a new card.
~ The Office Scribe
Sunburns, hang ups, and paper mouths
6 years ago